rainy day, again

Have been working on cotton watercolor paper, a sketchbook of sorts. Playing out my little portraits in color, experimenting with the idea of softer….softer lines and maybe colors, sometimes. Definitely softer edges. The rough watercolor paper mimics the texture of the canvas of which I am working on today, and of which is stacked up …

milkweed pod nest and other things

…inspiring me today. It’s Friday and I have been painting the day away, which is so blissful! Taking a bit of a different direction with acrylics now, painting up little (or very big) scenes of surreal things in earthy colors. Also been playing with arrangements of favorite found things on my shelf, inspiring the paintings… …

in the woods, treasures abound

Went for a rather long foresty walk this morning, sipped my morning coffee and daydreamed about colors and painting ideas. The way the morning light hits golden on the trees is such a sight! But the best thing of all about walking alone in the woods at an early hour is looking for the littlest …

and sunshine when she dances

Walking through the woods along a rambling brook and I spotted these terrific, vibrant yellow blooms growing amongst the composting autumn leaves of last year. They are so beautiful, so dainty with brown and green spotted-leaves. They are growing in clumps along a woodsy stream, in an almost swamp-like area. Do you you know what …

yesterday was for…

doing favorite things! you see, for me yesterday was a monumental birthday-of-sorts. ?eating giant (and totally yum) red velvet cupcakes from Crumbs. ? sitting in trees in Central Park ?eating a scrumptious lunch at my favorite veg restaurant, Candle Cafe. I had a yummy pumpkin-encrusted tofu dish with kale. Everything I’ve ever had there is …

a spring locket and a dreamy swamp morning

First thing, here is the promised vintage locket, now in my shop. Please see a previous post (or the link to the listing, above) for a peek at the inside! And, a most perfect early spring swamp morning. It has been raining all day so I really appreciate the purple-hazed sunbeams from the other morning. …

new lockets and fig buttercups

Two bits of good news. I am not mia or forgetting about this blog! I have some major time-consuming work obligations right now (which take up part of my weekend as well) but come the end of May it will end and I will be less busy! Also, I look forward to a relaxing, painting-filled …