…inspiring me today. It’s Friday and I have been painting the day away, which is so blissful! Taking a bit of a different direction with acrylics now, painting up little (or very big) scenes of surreal things in earthy colors.
Also been playing with arrangements of favorite found things on my shelf, inspiring the paintings…
The feather was found last week. Do you know what kind of bird it is from?
Also, this nest is the most compact little thing to behold! I think it is lined with milkweed seeds. I found it on the ground in a meadow by a pond in February. It looked as though it was freshly made, and had fallen from the tree. I need to know who made it!
Yesterday I went to a lovely old mill (which has been converted into an antiques mall) with my mom and shopped for old things. I think this print emits the most pretty, etherial vibe. And the colors are so inspiring. Golden, earthy browns and blues.
And the reflection in the photo make it even more so.
The purchase of the day was this giant woven doctor bag-ish purse, the perfect summer bag which I have search and searched for.
A little side note…I am putting together a sweet giveaway which will be posted on Monday!
Ooooh, that purse is so perfect for summer! What pretty summer finds…poor nest. So nicely made and then lost!
I know! I still cant figure out what bird made it and its driving me crazy! But its resting nicely under my glass dome.
Hello Sarah ,
I’m pretty sure that your little nest is from a goldfinch !
…and your beautiful feather …
you can be sure that it’ s from a bird of prey !
If you see a tiny tiny fur on the feather it’a from the owl family.
If not , it’s from the hawk or eagle family.
I’ll check for you in my identification books to continue the research !
(…By the way it’s a wing feather !!!)