Went for a rather long foresty walk this morning, sipped my morning coffee and daydreamed about colors and painting ideas. The way the morning light hits golden on the trees is such a sight! But the best thing of all about walking alone in the woods at an early hour is looking for the littlest treasures (and other signs of fairy-ish enchantment).
There were sweet, mushroom like “pipes” that grow in mossy areas. When I was little I called them dwarf pipes. Do you know what they are called?
And to my amazement they formed a fairy ring in one tree-covered area of the ground!
I was gathering feathers and such for my collection. The best one from today, scanned.
The little hollow-stump home was perfect, it even had a garden of moss outside it’s door. And a few feet away from the stump was a lone (and very forgotten) grave stone from the 1850’s.
Pretty mushroom formation in the moss.
And a snail I could not get to come out of his shell (I wanted to see his slimy antennas!)
Lastly, a very inspiring Etsy find that I own. I just love the intricate, folksy (and very storybook) woodland border. I think it’s strange how she is inside a magnifying glass.
Now I am back to an afternoon of painting!
They are actually just called Indian pipes, at least that’s their common name… i think they are the most amazing find! Like the rattlesnake plantain they are a sign of a healthy forest!
Thank you for the info! I looked it up and they are also called the ghost plant or corpse plant…very creepy names indeed.They are all over the place in the wooded areas here.
Its so lush and green there! Strange, but I have a photo that I found online somewhere of a young girl who looks remarkably like that young woman…wouldnt it be something if they were the same girl??
Its in a swampy area so its always green and inspiring (but the mosquitoes are horrible!)
I think the girl and border are so pretty, but her hair is an absolute birds nest, isnt it?
I’m sorry, I seem to want to compare everything today, but I am in awe seeing your stars & feather image !
I love it, and it reminds me of one of my own :
And the girl’s hair looks like it’s been burnt when she was cooking, don’t you think ? ha !
x x x
Oh yes, I see!!! Beautiful image!
Agreed on the hair! Victorian hair was SO fried looking! I cant stand it!!