before the leaves started to turn (and before the snow)

As northeastern October days came and went, so did our pretty leaves. And a few late-turners are still in abundance. This autumn has felt like the longest ever. Ever. Everyday something new. Walks with leaf, acorn and twig collecting, all new discoveries shared with a one year old. One day we went to a favorite …

september’s end

Oatmeal cardigans and apple picking. Windowpanes and golden light. Waking up to the sound of the crows caw. The smell of nutmeg, clove and cinnamon filters through our rooms, apple pies baking with crispy, sugar topped crust. Days spent at the park with my little guy, swinging… giggling… taking dreamy walks. First steps and leaf …

lemon balm and mint (and lemonade too)

Keeping busy making summertime concoctions, as well as drying herbs for fall’s tea-time weather. I made some refreshing vanilla-infused lemonade from organic lemons the other day (my little one wanted to help until he realized how sour the lemons were). But to me it was so delicious! Yesterday I decided to harvest some mint and …

Something I have been meaning to share for some time now…..

Beardtongue flowers (part of the foxglove family, growing wild in a meadow) and the full moon last night from my studio window. Absolutely, positively soaking in and savoring these past weeks of summer. The last week in June I said goodbye to my job, my commute and all else that went along with my former …

sea stars

floating somewhere in my sketchbook (I keep going back to this one, a fav) ♥recent loves: packages. little hands (and feet). blackberries for breakfast. infusion of white tea and lavender. wandering. treasure hunting. working. dreaming of summertime.