Category Archives: Uncategorized
weekend meanderings
On Saturday morning we went to Jockey Hollow National Park to the Wick House garden. Each year the Herb Society of America hosts a sale with clipping of herbs and such from their colonial garden. It always excites me to see some lesser-know plants for sale…Broomcorn! Woad! New Jersey Tea! To take a little bundle …
The rose hips are, every so slightly, starting to turn an orangey shade of red. Today I went walking in the rain. Armed with an umbrella and a steaming cup of chai tea I walked through the woods and meadows and I must say, loved it so. Rainy day walks are my favorite and I …
Autumn Blooming Clematis
Today was such a marvelous, grey September day! Such a needed break from the insufferable heatwave we have been enduring. Eli and I took a little outing. First to do some treasure hunting (where I found this herb-collecting basket and some antique linens, I was so excited to use it I went foraging for acorn …
Sedum almost abloom
Summer is winding down (or rather, has wound down as tomorrow starts the school year here in the northeast) and the sedum is about to bloom. I just love sedum in its preblossom stage, as to me it looks like fluffy white clouds that will soon mature to the most beautiful shade of pink (and …
Oh, how I love new new beginnings. Finally! The golden season is here (thank you dear September for finally arriving). To celebrate we took a small trip to Princeton. We dined at our favorite brunching spot, took a stroll around the campus (mainly to visit a most beloved 1920’s garden) and then off to an …
a walk in the garden at summers end
The current heat and humidity situation here is pure torture! Still going on little adventures, although today we opted to rest. It is currently one hundred degrees! Yesterday we went to one of my most adored spots, a replica revolutionary war garden at the Wick House. It is such a delight to see the official …
tattered late august wildflowers, pondside
Took a walk around my absolute favorite marsh pond to spy on some wildflowers and bees in the golden morning sun. How I love to go for walks in the mornings, especially with this perfect weather we’ve been having here in the northeast! I’m feeling a bit sentimental about all the late summer colors, along …
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Late August and sun drenched foliage. When the last firefly has flickered and the grass is turning to spun gold and the leaves are deep green (and maybe even a bit brown) but still seems to say wait! I know you are excited to see all my majesty, my jewel toned show! And yes, you …
peach abundance
The other day, on the way home from horseback riding, I stopped off at a farm stand and bought some yummy peaches. Oops, I bought more than I could eat! So today I crafted a hand pie (which honestly is just so much easier than a pie in its proper form.) And I do quite …