I have been spending my time cutting up 100 year old fairy tale books and pretty new papers…
Don’t worry, the book was in shabby shape anyway. I’ve had it since high school and have been snipping at it ever since! I found it in an old farm house antique shop for a dollar.
Life is a dream with a cup of chai, a pair of scissors and a very warm sweater.
Despite the fact that it was 31 degrees on Sunday morning I set out for a brisk, frosty walk through the woods. It was such a joy to put on my woollen mittens, hat, scarf and a toasty coat. I love this time of year, the frost on the freshly fallen leaves is a delight. Despite all the cold the rosehips still shone their ruby reds and the blackbirds sang.
When I got home I went on a treasure hunt through my woollen textile basket and found this fuzzy embroidered dream, purchased last year at my favorite store.
Awaiting the first snowfall and quiet days.
Tell me, what are your wintery daydreams?
Oh darling imagination smiling Sarah,
We are barely starting to get a snippet of coolness in Arizona. But when it gets cold, it will be a dry dry dry painful cold.
I long for mittens and such. I spent 3 hours in anthropologie today, and just dreamed of wearing one of their glorious coats with big boots and stocking and socks…..
Perhaps one day, when I live in not such a warm place?
Love your 1 dollar book! How magical indeed! And your perfect piece of emroidery!!! Ahhhh, chai sip….. xxo
I will send some frostiness your way….whisssssssshhhhh! Well, it was much warmer today…frown! It looks beautiful where you live, and warm too which is a plus. The winters here can be long. Consider yourself very lucky!
And thanks for all your sweet compliments!
Oh my goodness…you are making me crave frost and snow even more. I have been sitting down here in FLA, with the deluded idea that it may actually snow! (It’s supposed to be close to 80 tomorrow!) I am missing the north so very much.
Your blog looks beautiful…your photos are wonderful!!!! I framed your prints by the way did I tell you? I think I did. I will really try to send you a decent pic this week…
Lace and books and chai and sweaters and brisk, morning walks…I will go off to bed with these great thoughts!!!!!!
Wait a second…did you say you CRAVE frost and snow and all those good things??!!! I can remeber you cursing out a wee pile of snow in Maine! What ever happened? Well, in a month I will be tired of all this frost cold and then I will come down and visit you. Did I just invite myself over?
And you MUST come up north very soon! I hope to stop by farm on thanksgiving…I hope!
Your painting is absolutely stunning – haunting and beautiful and moody. I can see why you want to keep it. I’ve seen you here and there on Etsy and on people’s blogs, so I had to come by and say hello – you have a lovely site. And I love the idea of using lace as texture. One of these days when I get back to painting I will have to try it.