Monday’s Whimsy

Gosh, how did this happen? Never before was I under the spell of pink until I acquired this beautiful vintage sheet during a thrifting spree. It was a little wrinkled gem staring at me amongst a stack of shabby, faded linens. I think it was the rose motif that got me. It makes the most perfect picnic tablecloth, whimsy fit for a Monday indeed…

After purchasing the sheet in all its pinkness I stashed in away in my ceiling-high fabric stash thinking “I just wish it wasn’t pink!”. But then, yesterday I was foraging through my goodies looking for something pink to compliment a forest find and my liking for the piece of fabric was renewed.

The forest find was this, doesn’t it look like a miniature pink tree?

Full circle indeed, here is a snippet of another painting I have been working on non-stop (and hopefully ready to post tomorrow).

The trees are almost pink. More of a peachy color (as much as I try to like pink I still tend to lean more towards peach)

And another find, a ceramic calico hand…

I love disconnected hands! They look perfectly odd on my shelf, and they hold trinkets, feathers and stones. A collection has begun!

Last-but-not-least I would like to share a favorite storybook as of recent. The images by illustrator Angela Barrett are highly detailed and slightly chilling. I love how she uses neutral and greys with tiny bits of bright (think pinks and oranges) within her artwork. I was pleasantly surprised when I removed the book jacket to find this delicate design on the bookcover…

I plan to spend the rest of the day eating my raspberries and painting~

What is YOUR favorite color and why? Please do tell!

13 replies on “Monday’s Whimsy”

  1. Your finds are fabulous!! I crave a bit of pink every now and then too. And vintage fabrics are the best- it’s hard to find similar quality today.
    My favorite color this summer seems to have been vacillating between blue and green. Often, a soft teal or emerald green will suffice. I’ve also had an obsession with moonstones, which reflect so many colors.
    I can’t wait to see your painting!! I’m working on darkening my sketch and photographing it- still looking for a scanner. 🙂
    I hope you enjoyed your raspberries and painting day! 🙂

    1. Thanks!! I can’t wait til I am driving up to the “country” everyday to work because the junk shops up there are AWESOME!!! A few more weeks and I go back to work and the thrifting will begin!
      I love moonstone too. And, I must say, greens have always been my favorite color! They stand the test of time with me, as I go in and out of color phases.
      ps- if you are looking for a scanner any of the Canon scanners are the absolute best! And affordable!! Check them out on

      1. Cool! That sounds like a definite bonus to commuting! 😉
        I will check out Amazon for a Canon scanner very soon. Thanks for the tip! 🙂

  2. The cover to that book is beautiful! Are those silhouettes of birds on her dress? I can’t wait to see the painting when it’s finished 🙂

    Oh! And I have two favorite colors. Green and brown. I like them because they are very earthy and calming to me.

    1. Yes, they are birds on her dress, so pretty! I would love to have a dress like that!!
      Green and brown ARE very soothing. The combination almost reminds me of a patina finish on copper. Thanks for sharing.
      ps- now I see your name on LJ- I will go and add you!

  3. My favorite color is red, particularly dark red. It reminds me of passion, power and strength, there just seems to be so much energy behind it. =)

    1. I love your description of dark red….and I agree, there is lots of energy in the color. Very intense. Its strange how different of a color it is compared to bright red, which evokes happiness and whimsy to me.

  4. hi dear,
    this is 2eck from livejournal. i would love to exchange links with you.

    i think my favourite color is red, because it’s so powerful and beautiful, but generally i love all colors.

  5. My fave color is green although I love so many colors…the reason I love green so much is because it is the color of trees and grass. I love tress, fields and all of the natural green beauty of the earth.

    I will be coming by here as I remember to. I love what you have done with the site.

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