Last week I awoke to a very white morning. Against the still golden leaves the iciness was a visual feast! November is a beautiful month, early snowfalls are much appreciated. Going out of the house requires a warm and wooley knit scarf. And to make my neck even more fanciful I don this sweet sweet stitched necklace.
Found over the summer at a tag sale amongst cameos and other little trinkets…
November has brought about many new sketchies too! I am working on a little project called The Strange Little Winter Garden painting up a storm this evening. Here’s one sketch straight from the frosty, frosty garden…
And brrrr…it is cold here! Its putting me in the mood to snuggle up with my paints and create!
What a charming necklace!! 🙂
oh thank you! it was quite a fun find!
I love your way of making notes on your sketches!!: )
It the only way I can remember things…lol!