Almost as much as I love fall, I totally adore late summer. The cusp. Been taking long daily walks through a nearby meadow.
pics and story below…
Mucha-like in the meadow.
I waited for days to capture this guy on the thistle!
Dragonfly on reeds. Next to the meadow theres a serene bog-like pond with streams flowing from it.
The meadow path alongside the pond…
I love goldenrod.
This one was injured, laying upside down on the ground with a torn wing. I picked him up and he surprisingly flew away.
I wish people wouldn’t do this to beech trees…but this pretty much sums it up…I wish summer would last forever.
Time to go home- picking up my sketchbook and stuff from where I was sitting.
Snippets of wildflowers brought home so I can sketch them. Other stuff from my studio for my inspiration table.
My new “bulletin board” in my studio, inspired by my meanderings.