*~*Sprinkles holiday magic to you all*~* Wishing everyone happy holidays and brightest blessings for the new year to all my LJ friends!!! Love to share some photos.. I decided to model my winter crown, but I was distracted by my star lights. Dizzyness, spinning, swaying star lights around my crown, playing with light is fun! …
Monthly Archives: December 2005
Winter! The shortest day. Take a look at some more little art that I finished today~unconsciously inspired by these short-lived days (I was going for a festive holiday theme, but they just came out so somber and dark). Nature rests~ Be still, relax in this quiet, focus on an inner light, await spring. Rejuvenate. Doing …
~*~*Icy Inspiration~*~*
Its been icy cold here, which inspired me to paint/ ink this little piece: Got to keep those blue lips warm with lots of tea and hot cocoa (with a peppermint stick to swirl minty the goodness in). Speaking of goodies, I was looking though my magazines and I got some good recipes for the …
Faerie Cottage and Yule Table
I have spent some time constructing a cottage for the little folk as a winter shelter. I placed the house on my yuletide inspiration table with seasonal hodgepodge~ candles, faerie lights, dried rosehips, and eveything I could find with a golden shimmer. Merry meet! Lighting the golden star candles, illuminating the cottage… I made a …
twisty tangly hair
Here’s some new art…. I’m working on some wintry themes as well. Icy hair, ~*~snowflakes~*~, chilly nights, crescent moons…Oh, and the faerie house- still taking pics. More posts soon…
downstairs in the faerie cottage….
Here’s just a little teaser picture of my faerie yuletide cottage- a small shelter for these snowy days. You are looking at a leaf table, a candlestick (stolen from my dollhouse), a milkpod dragonfly chair, and a whole shelf of sparkley goodies- beads, jars, charms and amulets. See the Mary Cicely Barker Painting hanging on …
Faerie Holly House
Today was our first snowfall of the year! I went walking around outside for a few hours, admiring all the snowy glimmer on the tree branches and leaves. Perfect timing, as I’ve been constructing a shelter for the little guys this winter! My faerie shelter is made of sticks, moss and dried holly leaves. The …