Oh hello beautiful milkweed in the morning! You harbor transformation on your silky leaves (where monarchs lay their tiny eggs.) Thank you for showing us your beautiful little pink blossoms. (This walk was really just a roundabout trip to the laundromat behind the Staples shopping mall but beauty can happen in such unlikely places.)
Category Archives: process journal
on my drawing table
I’ve been working in my heavy duty sketchbook. It’s a real workhorse! Some pages are more finished than others (it’s more of a process journal/ painting/ idea/ color palette book I think). I like working this way, I can work through fragments of ideas with some instant gratification of having something complete. This page I’ve …
wrapped up in books and paints and treasures…
???PAINTS??? I have been slowly but surely painting away. Here’s some work in progress from a painting from weeks ago. Getting all the details down…work in progress still. I added some golden harp-inspired embroidery on her hat. And remember the feathers that my father found from this post? Initially, I thought that they were from …
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