12 replies on “;)”

  1. Aw, what a precious tiny one! I know that you must feel anxious to get back to your painting, but just know there will be plenty of time. These first tender months…they’re like being in the trenches! But you’re having such special and amazing moments that will last you a life time. Believe me, there will be plenty of nap time painting…then painting while he’s at school…the painting will always be there. So dont worry, and enjoy now 🙂

  2. dear sarah,
    i’m sorry for my belated congratulations- but here they are anyway. 🙂 congratulations! your new baby is absolutely divine. i wish you lovely and happy times altogether.

  3. Congrats on your new show~I bet it looks amazing! I’m impressed that you were able to do this while busy with the darling little one. Wishing you a lovely Holiday Season:)

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