pondside and sketches

As the snow gently fell all weekend long I visited one of my favorite spots…

Saturday morning I spent some time by a pond in my favorite meadow.

I often marvel at these two swans, they are too beautiful for words and always in the water! With the ice and the snow falling it was quite serene.

Staying in was nice! I worked all weekend on my art, especially on a painting inspired by the above swans (and ships at sea too!). Here’s a little peek at the initial sketch in my giant sketchbook:

Other musings, pondside:

Writing on ice.

Do you what bird builds a nest so low over water? (the white you see in the background is the frozen-over pond.) I’d love to know the name of the bird!

And I am so eager to work more on my paintings this afternoon! Have a beautiful day!

14 replies on “pondside and sketches”

    1. Thanks so much sofie v! It feels very good to be in the flow. Thanks for putting my painting up on your blog! I’ve left some comments on there tonight but i can’t tell it they went through or not:(

  1. Wow..these are beautiful and I just that the swan is part of your painting!! I just made a doll with her swan after the Irish myth of Caer and Aengus. There is something so magical elegant and noble about a swan 😉

    1. oh Neat! Swans have so much symbolism, so much story, from so many cultures. It’s interesting to see how artists portray them, and the stories that they chose. And in the medium that you use, I’m sure your swan doll is amazing!

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