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She is the winner of my blue wooden ship! I have to be honest here…I so enjoyed reading your stories and ideas of places to travel… I actually wrote down all your names on snippets of paper and picked one. I was thinking about the story that Aussiepatches submitted and I was inspired to create this post….the girl in her story forgot to bring her belongings onto the ship.
I think that girl is me (sometimes I get so dreamy I forget important things) So I made a reminder of things I would bring on my sea journey. I have been taking lots of walks through nature, collecting pretty things along the way. I would bring some forest-like things to remind me of my land-lover ways. I would also bring lots of trinkets to keep me occupied as I sailed across the vast ocean. This tiny teapot is smaller than a nutshell and it is perfect. I could fit SO many things into my Mary Poppins carpetbag.
oh, and I would bring dandelions too.
A peek at my closet… I would bring light and airy clothes to keep cool, some warm woolly sweaters layered over for the night.
I would bring my favorite antique hair clasp, moonstone ring and silver bangles.
And on the boat to pass the hours I would make this from found sea shells:
Isnt it wonderful? Its a sea shell dollhouse I found in a beautiful book simply called “Shells”. I spent the other afternoon leafing through dusty books at the library and my eyes popped out of my head when I spotted this. The house and furniture are made from shells. I would love to make my own little mermaid cottage. I am in need of a good beach combing day.
Last week I went to see “A Midsummer’s Nights Dream” in an outdoor stage under the stars and it put me in such a magical mood. The play was amazing and the costumes were wow! The mortals costumes were plain in shades of beige and grays but when the fairies came out my head was spinning with the most colorful delight! Electric shades of blue, pink, purple and green. They had the most eclectic style…fluorescent Marie Antoinette wigs, tattered spandex tutus and technicolor tights. They were not stereotypical fairies at all (especially for a shakespear play) which made it all the better. I felt like I had been kissed by the fairies in a dream!
A lot of excitement for me this coming week! I’ll spend the weekdays painting, maybe taking a few walks in between. Oh, and I am getting a new blog so I will be working on that as well! Then, on Saturday I am going to have a table in front of a vintage store at the beach painting henna designs. I am so excited! Last week I went to see “A Midsummer’s Nights Dream” in an outdoor stage under the stars and it put me in such a magical mood. The play was amazing and the costumes were wow! The mortals costumes were plain in shades of beige and grays but when the fairies came out my head was spinning with the most colorful delight! Electric shades of blue, pink, purple and green. They had the most eclectic style…fluorescent Marie Antoinette wigs, tattered spandex tutus and technicolor tights. Not at all what I expected for a Shakespeare play but inspiring. I felt like I had been kissed by the fairies in a dream!