I found this magnificent pixie boot planter awhile ago that I absolutely adore. Coincidentally since then I’ve been collecting little planters, and the other day I found two of the the most fabulous ones ever! The first one is a baby blue deer and the second is a beautiful big bluebird perched on an apple blossom, both thrifted. Very spring but I will post pictures of these treasures as soon as I plant some herbs or moss in them. Today I was browsing the plant section at Whole Foods. They have dainty potted herbs and I think I would love to try my hand with some rosemary, as it does quite well indoors. November is gone and I have yet to post pictures of my little inspiration alter, so here they are, along with the woodsy pixie boot which I took outside for a photo shoot in the twigs.
For those new to my journal I have been making inspirational alters in my studio full circle now, and I do love them so. I stated out with a formula for placement but now I go on intuition. As I go for my walks through the woods I pick up little naturey things here and there and put them on my table. I use things people give me, crystals and trinkets, and things that I made. I also adorn the table with things I pick up in thrift shops and such, which is a more recent habit. Its starts out small and then it grows as the season goes on…
Some things I did this weekend~
~worked in my sketchbook
~rode a horse
~walked 6 miles
~pulled out every bit of vintage fabric I own and started to sort. Still in the process.
~*~*~welcome December, snowflakes and all things magical!