sketchbook and a rainy day meadow walk

Sketches are building up all over my floor! The lucky ones are neatly organized in a very big book. I try to do at least one a day, in the book or scribbled on scrap paper.

So now I need to post them more. It’s pretty much the only thing I do right now.

A scene from a usual walk, above.

Lovely lush moss growing on a woodsy ledge in front of my parents little house.

13 replies on “sketchbook and a rainy day meadow walk”

  1. im loving the sketchbook, lots! mine are such an embarrassment, especially since im far more gifted with pixels than lead;)

    the self portrait is reminiscent of pre raphaelite imagery, for me. very beautiful.

  2. Dropping by again to browse your lovely sketches!! So dreamy and magical!! And to thank You for your very kind and thoughtful comments over at my little blogling! Your so sweet! Thankeeeee! : )

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