Autumn’s warm golden days

…have now turned grey and rainy. Speaking of grey I have to mention that am so inspired by the palette of Andrew Wyeth. His rural subject matter has always been an inspiration to me, but those grays and golds and browns! This little white house painting is a definite favorite. I clipped it out and affixed it to my journal so I wouldn’t forget about it again, along with a new little concept sketch underneath. I have an idea to paint scenes of tiny capped people, strange animals and grouped farmhouses from the 1800’s, all in a tiny scale and very detailed. These tiny girls are watering their gardens but they very well could be tending to strange animals in a faraway place.

I was going through a pile of old books and ephemera and uncovered this print of a painting in a funny little book, isn’t is so lovely?

It’s from a worn blue book called My Miniature Art Collection, Grade 4 and contains some of the sweetest prints in muted palettes. The book was a treasure stacked amongst old paperbacks at the back of a junk shop. I must share some more of this book very soon!

Little things are so delightful! I recently found this little porcelain box with a pearl charm inside and it made my day.

Here’s a pile of inspiring things- glass domes, white pumpkins, old hankies, rusty iron birds, tea cups and blackbird feathers.

I am thinking about setting them up in a shrine sort of way. I haven’t had an inspiration table in quite awhile and its time has been delayed too long!

Those who are here up north, enjoy the rain, it may be with us for quite awhile! Pitter-pat.

14 replies on “Autumn’s warm golden days”

  1. What lovely paintings! Andrew Wyeth is one of my all-time favorites; I always just love the colors and shapes. So inspiring!

    And I love your little grouping with the white pumpkins… I’ve been on the hunt for those and alas! no one seems to have them (or they’ve been painted with goofy faces… what’s with that?!). 🙁

    1. stop and shop, thats where I picked mine up!
      yuck-o, so many halloween decorations are too cheesy, those pumpkin faces are the absolute worst!
      maybe the bad paint will scrape off?

  2. Ahhh! Oh my gosh! I was JUST thinking about that painting yesterday and wondering who did it and what it was called….I have always loved it! SO neat that you posted it now! I can’t quite make out the artist’s name……could you pretty please post it!? 🙂 Your sketches are so lovely and making me very happy today!!!

    1. Awesome, thats quite a coincidence, isnt it? This painting has been inspiring me so much lately. Her hat is going to show up in a painting very soon. I wish I had one in my size!
      Its called “the helping hand…by Renouf.

  3. I love your little capped girls idea- so fanciful and fun! Your shrines have been so lovely in the past. Please share yours if the inspiration hits! 🙂 Have a beautiful day despite the rain. I do wish we would get some more rain here though- our green grass is really just brown!

    1. forget about the grass…the leaves are BROWN! and brown is a fav of mine, but in the fall I want to see burgandys and golden leaves, not chocolate!
      Thaks for the compliment! I love little caps. Like acorns but in wool!

  4. I LOVE white pumpkins!!! I believe they’re called Cinderella pumpkins. We always get a larger one every year and carve it as Jack Skellington (from my all-time favorite movie – Nightmare Before Christmas). I always buy the small ones for lovely holiday decor. 🙂

  5. Hello!

    You have such lovely art! I’ve been poking around the site here looking for a way to contact you and the more I see, the more fun it’s been. I was actually looking for an email to ask you about the little metal jackalope that you first showed back in May, and now here he is again in the photo above as part of your inspiration array. I had intended to ask if you still had it, and if so would you be willing to consider selling him, or maybe a trade of some sort, but it looks like he’s not apt to be going anywhere any time soon. Hehehe. I almost didn’t bother saying anything at all, but I wanted to let you know what a lovely site you have here. It’s one of those jewels that you occassionally run across now and then. Keep it up!

    Diana 🙂

    1. Hi Diana! Thanks so much for the sweet compliments! Well, I am quite attached to the Jackalope as of now (my attachments to junk shop things changes though, so who knows in the future!) I can’t imagine where he came from. Did you look on ebay?

  6. the Andrew Wyeth image is wonderful, and i adore the way you have incorporated it into your sketchbook. sketchbooks are such a living, growing treasure!
    and that little painting too – i love how the little girl adds a touch of subtle colour to an otherwise overcast scene.

    (a shrine is a perfect idea too, im obsessed with the idea of the dome!)

    1. I love to journal. its really a playground for wonderful things! I have been making alters and shrines for years now, but I moved away from it this past year. Time to reconnect I guess. The done was found in a wonderfully dusy old thrift shop. Thanks!

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