pretty things and a sketch

We went to Philadelphia yesterday. Lots of exploring the city’s quaint alleyways, yummy food and vintage shopping. I picked up the most rustic pair of pointy-toed wooden shoes. I have a plans to make them into something wonderful and whimsical, an art piece of sorts… but for now, they rest on my cluttered little shelf with my feathers and blue book collection.

The Anthro was the most amazing store I have seen! Three floors of pure delight in the most beautiful building. The ceiling was a dream.

Better yet, when I returned home yesterday their catalog was in my mailbox. The autumn clothing is so cozy, textured and ornate, such a wardrobe inspiration.

Although I have been busy scurring all over three states I have managed to start a series of new paintings. Quite a change for me…they are larger (16″ by 20″) and more detailed scenes and landscapes. Before I begin a painting (and after I have the concept figured out in my minds eye) I quickly sketch out the subject matter on large 18″ by 24″ newsprint. When I am happy with the composition I transfer the rough sketch to a stretched canvas. Much can change from here but the general sketch looks like this:

I usually have the color scheme figured out in my head, although it tends to change too! By the time the sketch is complete and transferred the newsprint is so tattered and worn from resketching and erasing, it sometimes does not survive! I am going to start scanning all my sketches, and share a few here.

10 replies on “pretty things and a sketch”

  1. How delightful those shoes are-I love them!!!
    I also quite adore the new sketch – very intriguing. Cannot wait to see how it turns out.
    By the way, I like this new blog site…loads much faster and seems to be more user-friendly.

    1. Thanks! I love them so much, and to think I passed them up at first and had to go back to the store before I left Philly…I couldn’t get them out of my head! I have a grand project in store for them. I just need to finish a few paintings first:)
      Thanks so much for your comment here, its helps with the transition. Glad to hear it is more user-friendly! That was one of my reasons for the switch.

  2. I finally requested my first Anthropologie catalog even though I know it will only make me long for pretties that are waaay out of my price range! Your new sketch is enchanting…I can’t wait to see it progress!

  3. Yes, and that is one reason for the switch! Thanks so much for your comment here:)
    I know, anthro clothes are very pricey, but the sales in the store are wonderful! And the display in the store is sooo inspiring too.

  4. Oooh, I love that my sign in name was already here from my previous post- great new site!!
    I am in love with several of the new Anthro clothes in the new catalog… I’ve dog-eared the hickory and oak cardigan, the checker bird tunic as possible buys- pricey but so lovely they might end up in my wardrobe. I’m also interested in the Tocca perfume and fun pots of Satu lipgloss… I peruse it time and time again. 🙂
    Loving the new sketch as well- such a dreamy idea, ships in birdhouses suspended from trees. I’m looking forward to your painting!!

    1. I think I dog earred the same pages! Their sweaters are SO beautiful this season, I went into the store and they look just as good in person.
      I am happy to hear the new blog is easy to use. Thanks so much for your comment here! ps- I am working on the painting of the sketch now….I can’t wait to post it!

      1. Droolll…. I wish there was an Anthro nearby…. I’m such a clothes hound. 🙂

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