Thanks to all who visited my booth and to those who purchased my bags! I had a lovely time at the faire, despite the foot plus of snow and gusty winds. ‘Twas an adventure! Oh, and I got a beautiful pair of dainty fae wings from
I will post pics of those as well!
Took two long walks in the snow today to unwind, plus cleaning up my studio, setting up for new projects (bags AND some art!) And I got me a new sketch book to record my daily musings in. It’s been forever since I kept a sketch book, but I can definetly benefit from a visual journal.
Take peak at me and my booth…
My ren gear, complete with a little peacock feather gal belt pouch. I was going to wear my custom curly toe fae shoes, but I settled on my Fluevogs for comfort reasons (and jumping through the snow!)
My tabletop…
The main room (I was in the next room over, with the “stage”
This setup was soo cute..Very sleepy greyhounds…
The room that I was in, looking out from my booth.
Always chit chatting, me and my booth from afar.
A mute faerie selling pretty roses.
Me behind the booth.