Little Theater

I love this one, it’s like a little theater for your neck! It’s in my shop.

The other day I came home from my grocery shopping with three white pumpkins. I absolutely love the white ones.
My weekend was nice and quiet, full of walks, hot cups of coffee, photo-taking, peeks at (and daydreaming about) all the pretty antique homes in my town. There are so, so many!

And drawing! I drew and played with compositions in my hardcover sketchbook (a must-have for me) and now I am working on some graphite drawings on loose leaf cotton paper. Cotton is a dream to work on and it responds well to the passage of time which makes me love it more. Working on meshing all my scratchy sketches together. Oh, and tomorrow is the first day of fall!

5 replies on “Little Theater”

  1. I really love this one, SO gorgeous!~
    I love fall…and the white pumpkins! they’re so simple and sweet. I too dream about having an old house one day…someday……..

  2. I feel pure love for this necklace. I have just ordered three of your paintings, and I just wanted to say that I´m very interested in buying this one if you make another one *****

    Love Lycke

  3. Hello sweet Sarah, hello again 🙂 It is this picture I would love in a necklace where it shows like this. it´s absolutely marvellous…I can also have my eyes open if I should a necklace like this, to place o one of your paintings …maybe that´s a good thought?

    Today we are going skiing ***

    Love Lycke

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