10 replies on “~*~*”

  1. The journal page under the lace is pretty and a great idea for future artwork, perhaps? And yes, I’m dreaming of a field of wild flowers these days, too. Colour! I want colour!

  2. I love love love all your “maritime” treasures.
    In France, where I live, this kind of things is very hard to find. I’m afraid mine isn’t exactly a nautical country…
    I hope I will be able to travel to England and America someday. I will then haunt all the thrift shops and all the antique shops around…
    And I don’t even speak of English and American vintage children’s books, which I love…

    1. Oops! I think my comment doesn’t appear at its right place, just under the lovely spoon with enamelled ships on it…By the way, I’m also keen on antique and vintage lace!

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