treasures from a sea cottage…

Stumbled upon a beautiful cottage while visiting the seashore for the day in Ocean Grove, NJ. The house was open to the public for tours, so I went in. Such a collection of pretty victorian things, and the little home with its two-story rocking chair porch had such charm! Small rooms under the eaves in the prettiest muted colors appeared sunfaded, perfect for the seashore. Take a peek at my favorite things, in all my favorite colors…

Hair art, silouettes and just look at the anchor shelf! The earthy brown objects were so pretty against the muted yellow walls.

A table in the living room was littered with old books and shells.

A favorite corner in a tiny bedroom on the second floor.

Desk with old objects that I perused in my imagination (no touching anything in the house)

dream stove

love, love love these prints, in the childrens room.

delicate and dainty silk shoes.

a corner of the parlor is the smallest reminder of the long, cold winters- hand painted wintery lampshade and more hair art.

and I was so busy frolicking about that I didn’t take a photo of the exterior!
I am off to paint for the rest of the day.

5 replies on “treasures from a sea cottage…”

  1. I live just a few blocks over from Ocean Grove on the other side of Asbury Park. Its another little town just like OG with lots of great Victorian houses. If I were home I would have met you!

  2. yes, I know Asbury Park. I drove through many times but never stopped. It looks cute and there’s a lot of neat shops and things. I love the shore, you are lucky to live there!

  3. Well, I wouldnt advise stopping in Asbury Park. It looks cute but theres still a serious criminal element. Stick to the cute things on either side of Asbury; Ocean Grove or my town, Allenhurst!

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