Inspired by my trip up to Salem a few monthes ago and a cast iron whale I found I am still on the nautical theme in my paintings. Just finished this little gem…
“Little Whales and Ships at Sea”
The whale…A small treasure to behold (and it weighs a TON)
Oh the summer seems so long and it’s only been one week! The heat is making my head spin (hence all the swirls in this painting perhaps) and I have been sitting indoors sipping sparkling pink lemonade working on my art. This had been a transitional week for sure…I am getting back into my walking/ hiking/ running routine and soaking up all the inspiration I can for paintings and art this summer. I bought the most daring little plant called a Pincusion Plant or Nertera Granadensi. The only plant I have ever been able to keep alive is ivy so I decided to try my partial green thumb on this little guy. He is very tempermental indeed but so, so pretty.
Windowsill in the studio…
I spotted these two little guys outside my home. There are rabbits all over the place this summer. These two were mirroring each other.
I have been collecting pretty papers. I especially love this one…
Orange is such a wonderful color. It cheers like no other.